Safe and non-destructive method of concrete scanning
We'll help keep your job safe and on time
We'll help keep your job safe and on time
The word GPR stands for Ground-Penetrating Radar. It is a non-destructive method we use to detect objects in concrete. GPR uses high frequency radio waves that transmits into the concrete. When the wave hits a buried object or boundary with dielectric constants the receiving antenna records variations in the reflected return signal. These signals able us to locate metallic and non-metallic objects before any cutting or coring.
Concrete is a simple substance made up sand, stone, water and cement. Cement and water are the key ingredients. By adding the exact amount of water, a chemical reaction known as hydration begins. With the right weather and curing time, concrete turns from the plaster liquid state to a super hard rock like state, like your driveway or sidewalk.
Concrete is the hardest and the longest lasting materials we use. And the most common used material on the planet. Concrete can be made almost everywhere on our planet.
Concrete has a weakness....Tensile strength!Tensile strength is the amount of weight that can be dispersed on a horizontal slab of concrete. Concrete itself may be extremely strong but its weak with out the help of reinforcement. Rebar, wire mesh, or Post-tension cables are a few of the materials used inside or embedded in concrete. These materials help hold it all together under pressure or movement. concrete scanning concrete gpr concrete xray
Before concrete is mixed and poured. Reinforcements are put down along with conduits for power, private communication, and/or security. Thermal heating systems, water lines, and the unknown (objects, conduits, lines not on the blue prints due to remodel or tenant improvements). This is where GPR comes into play. CDA GPR has the ability of locating all of these targets. In some cases these targets can be tricky to indentify. We use 3D scanning to interpret the area of interest. In some cases a report is furnished to further your investigations.
Send us a message, or call us for a quote. Use our contact form to tell us more about your project, and we will connect you with the services to fit your needs. Spokane Lewiston Missoula
Mike Zimmerman Coeur d'Alene ID 83815 (208) 755-3715